Chzo is a pain elemental that lives in the World of Magick. As a pain elemental, he feeds on the pain and suffering of all living things, absorbing the concentrated suffering as his sustenance. His spider-like servants prowl his territory constantly in search of trespassers to torment, so that their lord might feed.
Chzo was, in the distant past, merely one out of many elementals, each embodying certain fundamental concepts of reality, in this case, Pain. At some point, a vicious civil war broke out among the pain elementals; weaker elementals were absorbed by their higher brethren, who grew stronger with each successive victory. Eventually, Chzo became the most powerful pain elemental in the universe by defeating and absorbing all of the other pain elementals, rendering the species extinct save for himself. The absorption of his fellows transformed him from a diminutive blob of meat into vast mountain of gristle and twisted flesh.
His immense size requires that he constantly ingest vast quantities of pain and Magick to survive. It also means that minor torments only serve to stoke the fires of his appetite; his minions must perform truly ghastly forms of torture, such as flaying and salting wounds or slowly stretching limbs to impossible lengths, just to keep him satiated for even a minuscule amount of time. His is a name greatly feared in the realm of Magick.
Throughout the events of the games, Chzo’s name is invoked quite often, usually by magick users and deranged cultists who worship him. His true intentions aren’t revealed until the final game of the series, Six days a sacrifice. During the ending, it is revealed that Chzo’s intentions were never to invade and conquer the realm of technology as his acolytes had at first believed; it being devoid of magick, crossing into this realm would have rendered him powerless. Instead, his intention was to draw a new servant from among the hordes of humanity into his own realm so that they might replace his current servant, Cabadath. He finds this new champion in Theo DeCabe, who is granted the blessings of Chzo and all the powers of his predecessor, becoming the New Prince, before throwing down Cabadath and destroying him in Chzo’s name.